Saturday 14 July 2012

oxygen reduced

Maisie has been munching on Mummy's milk and has put on another 40g and weighs 1255g (about 2lb 11oz) Not as much as we'd like (30g per day) but it's growth which is the main thing. Maisie currently gets weighed every 2 days.

Maisie was sleeping most of the day which encourages growth and she had no major changes in her saturation or heart rate. Good News today is that Maisie's oxygen requirement fell to 85%, it has been at that level since the early hours of the morning.

Maisie got visits from Aunty Eleanor and Uncle Carl who brought a wee wooden frog that Aunty Eleanor found on Skye. Uncle Douglas and Aunty Margaret also brought Maisie a big frog that Daddy is to put in the garden. More frogs for the wee Croker. Maisie also got her first Piggy Bank from UD and AM with some pennies in it - lucky Maisie.

Maisie must have been very excited with her visitors and when Mummy and Daddy went to change and wash Maisie before they left (early as going for dinner with friends) she did her trick of squirting all over the incubator - either that or she was protesting at Mummy and Daddy trying to leave early.


  1. Excellent news, well done Maisie xx

  2. Great sats news, little one. Sorry to hear Grandma is unwell - will keep you both in our prayers xxxx

  3. Good news, well done Maisie. We will be praying for this to continue. Win x
