It's been a while since Daddy took time to update Amazing Maisie's blog.
Daddy has been busy doing many things and somethings are more important to Daddy than updating the blog.
What can be more important I hear you all gasp?
Well, when Daddy is so busy every spare minute he has is spent playing with Amazing Maisie - not sitting at a computer writing about playing with Maisie.
The problem then comes when Daddy does get the time to write - he can't remember all the great things that have been happening. This isn't really a blog at all just now as blogs are meant to be frequent and short updates. Daddy will need to get back into the routine of writing the blog more regularly.
What has Maisie been up to since the end of January?
The end of January was a difficult time for Maisie. Mummy had arranged a Pilates retreat in Lanzarote for her clients and so left Maisie for the week. The only problem was that Daddy also had plans - a trip to Ireland with the boys to do his National Service supporting Scotland at the rugby in Dublin.
Maisie hiding from Aunty and Uncle |
What did Maisie do? That's right she called on Grand Aunty Eleanor and Great Uncle Carl to babysit. They couldn't wait to babysit for Maisie - it was a long two days before Daddy returned - Maisie ran them ragged and as much as everyone enjoyed themselves it was really quite tiring.
Uncle doesn't look tired out at all does he? |
A huge thank you - we don't know what we'd do without Aunty and Uncle.
Daddy took the week off work while Mummy was on her "jolly" which enabled Maisie and Daddy to catch up as they hadn't been spending as much time together with Daddy out earning a wage.
Maisie and Daddy went shopping at the local farm where Maisie took an apple - don't worry Daddy noticed just in time and did pay for it;
Maisie relished the "stolen" apple |
Maisie really enjoyed her apple and so did Daddy as Maisie took a long time to eat it which kept her busy.
still eating it...... |
Daddy and Maisie also went and test drove some cars;
I love the Alfa Romeo Daddy! |
Daddy did make a few mistakes one of which was dressing Maisie in her pyjama top and then getting caught out by sending a picture to Mummy;
Mummy look what Daddy dressed me in! |
Maisie and Daddy visited the Eye doctor - he was very happy with Maisie and will not need to see her again for many months. All is well with Maisie's eyes and the doctor told Maisie that thanks to the operation she had on her eyes there were now projects being set up to help other babies - the eye doctor has recently helped set up similar procedures in Indonesia.
Maisie was a little bored waiting at the hospital but
did love the chance to wear her sunglasses |
Maisie thought a lot about Mummy while she was away and even did a bit of exercise herself;
Add caption |
Mummy was soon back;
"swing me higher Mummy" |
and made up on lost playtime;
we think that Mummy enjoyed sliding
down the chute more than Maisie |
Hurry up Mummy! |
Maisie enjoys going out for a walk especially with Daddy - he makes it easier;
still keeping Daddy fit..... |
So much has been happening in the last month or so;
Maisie is favouring her right hand at the moment |
Maisie has been to the hospital on two further occasions, once to help out with the junior doctors training and a second time to meet with her consultant and dietitian.
Maisie can now use a cup on her own |
The dietitian is extremely happy with Maisie. Her height and weight have moved Maisie up a centile and she is in good proportion for her age.
The dietitian has discharged Maisie - Good News!
The Consultant was equally happy to see Maisie.
Maisie did show off a little; colouring in, pushing toys along the floor, climbing on chairs, standing on chairs and also trying to climb on to a table - Maisie will need to improve her behaviour if she wants the consultant to continue to be pleased with her.
Maisie doesn't need to visit again for another four months.
Maisie is still on oxygen at night and the consultant is not worried about this at all. She will manage for a night without but is very unsettled the next night. We've just to keep trying to wean her off it.
The consultant has told Maisie that as the weather is getting better she needs to get out and about to meet other children - she's getting a lot stronger so Mummy and Daddy need to start taking risks and not worry so much about Maisie getting an infection.
Maisie is always on the go and getting very adventurous, currently with no fear and willing to climb up anything
There's no stopping her.
Maisie does slow down sometimes and stops to eat;
"I do like Shrove Tuesday!" |
Now that Maisie is bigger and stronger she wants to venture out all the time- Maisie was raring to go out last Sunday morning however Daddy wasn't so keen as it was 6.30am
Maisie got herself ready to go out - you'll
notice she's still in her pj's |
Then Maisie decided she would like to go swimming;
"Does my bum look big in this?" |
And off she went;
Maisie went swimming with Mummy and Zach |
Maisie also went to the International Food Festival at the Church Hall where she tried to learn to the Vuvuzela;
"Thanks for holding it Mummy it was getting heavy" |
We're almost up to date now - hopefully Daddy will not leave it so long to update everyone on his Amazing Maisie.
Today Mummy and Maisie went shopping;
My Amazing Maisie is growing up fast!