Thursday, 28 February 2013

leaps and bounds

Wednesday was a day with beautiful sunshine although quite cold, a lovely day to go for a walk. The day didn't go that way though:

"this Bumbo thing's meant to be fun? "
It was a different, rather strange morning for Daddy as Maisie slept for most of it. Daddy went to play with Maisie and she was sleeping on her play mat. When Maisie woke up Daddy thought he'd give her a bath so moved her through to her bed while he filled the bath. By the time Daddy returned to get Maisie she was sleeping again.

"Ok, you're right it is!"
Maisie awoke for elevenses and had a good feed and once more went back to sleep. Quite a relaxing morning for Daddy and lots of growing time for Maisie.

This all changed in the afternoon when Mummy came home. Mummy didn't get a minutes peace so much so that she said she understood how Daddy must feel some days and even muttered something about rather being a work.

Daddy unfortunately wasn't around to help as just as they were all sitting down for lunch Mummy saw some dogs in the garden attacking the chickens.

Daddy and Megan went rushing out to stop them, Megan was is very protective of her chickens. By this time the irresponsible owners were also in the garden trying to get the dogs under control.

Ga-ga suffered and was badly torn up. The others managed to escape (or go missing).

You'll be pleased to know that the other three turned up unharmed and Ga-ga survived an operation to get stitched back up. She'll be kept separately for a while until her feathers grow back in or the other chickens will pick on her and we can't eat any of her eggs for a month as they could have antibiotics in them.

Surprisingly the police aren't interested in out of control dogs getting into a secured garden even if there is a baby or maybe children around. They asked if Maisie had been injured and as she hadn't said that they couldn't do anything and we should contact the Dog Warden. The dog warden is coming to see us at the end of the week.

All the excitement didn't put Maisie off being a pest to Mummy. It looks like Maisie may be starting to get her first tooth so this could explain her grumpy outlook on live at the moment.

Maisie is continuing to eat well and is coming on with leaps and bounds.

"but I can't touch the floor to bounce" 

Maisie enjoyed being in her harness but it was better when Daddy was holding her in it as she could touch the floor.

Thursday takes Maisie on another road trip to Kirkcaldy to see her eye doctor for a check up.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

bigger and stronger

Maisie and Mummy had a very relaxing weekend. There were visits to the park to throw the ball for Megan the dog and there was even a trip to St Andrews for a coffee in a quite corner of the shop where Meghan works.

Maisie also spent time playing with her new toys that were sent over from Ireland from God-cousin Andrew and his brother Harry. Mummy read Maisie the book about animals and couldn't believe how many different ones there are. Maisie liked the picture of the tortoise best.

Maisie does love her Daddy but not perhaps
when he leaves her for a couple of days

Maisie also couldn't believe some of the impressions Mummy did of the animals - they make some funny noise's especially the elephants.

 The elephants are not a noisy as the Little Singing Bear that Andrew and Harry also sent which sings beautifully and will teach Maisie some lovely songs -however it doesn't have a volume control and also doesn't appear to switch off either.

Little Singing Bear periodically prompts you play with it and is already starting to drive Mummy and Daddy crazy.

Maisie was very happy to see that Scotland won their game against Ireland although it is a confusing result and she will need to study the rules a little closer - how could Scotland have beaten Ireland if they didn't touch the ball?   Daddy was very happy with the result and arrived home very tired due to exuberant celebrations.

Maisie is continuing to eat well and is getting bigger and stronger day by day;

Maisie 6 months ago wearing the same bib. 

Sunday, 24 February 2013

mummy and maisie

Because Daddy had been a good boy he managed to obtain a pass to go and watch the rugby with his friends this weekend so will be spending the weekend in Edinburgh where the mighty Scotland will (hopefully) beat Ireland. Mummy and Maisie will have a lovely weekend all to themselves with lots of pampering.

Daddy is sure that there will be many baths, manicures, beauty treatments and far to many cuddles over the weekend (not for him and the boys but for Mummy and Maisie).

"Daddy, didn't you tell Uncle Matthew and
Aunty Alison how small I am?"

Before Daddy went off to Edinburgh Maisie had a lot of visitors; Uncle Matthew and Aunty Alison popped over from Italy to see Maisie, then Uncle Colin and Gareth arrived from Ireland it was a busy morning of international visitors.  It was lovely to see so many people but Maisie as usual only had smiles for Brian who was chauffeuring Colin and Gareth around.

"I love Uncle Colin - he brings me presents!" 

Thank you for all you kind gifts.  

Maisie with some of the boys 

Thursday, 21 February 2013

homework to do

Wednesday was a quiet day, Maisie and Daddy went out for a walk and then Maisie decided to help Daddy find work;

"Do you think Daddy will notice if I taste his coffee"

The physio visited Thursday and was extremely happy with Maisie's progress. There has been a noticeable change in Maisie's development.

Maisie is now holding things with both hands, looking at what she's holding and putting it in her mouth all on her own. She is also learning to sit up, balance and of course how to bang a spoon on the table. These are all conscious movements that Maisie is making.  

"I am done performing!" 
Mummy and Daddy need to continue encouraging Maisie to actively reach out and take things as she is still not really interested in picking things unless she happens upon them although she did seem to want the colourful dog that Aunty Eleanor gave her while the physio was playing - more progress.

The physio will be back in 3 weeks and during those weeks Maisie has some homework to do. Maisie will be focusing on rolling over onto her tummy. Mummy and Daddy have been shown some techniques to encourage this and help her move in the correct way.

Maisie also has to learn to reach out and reach upwards, this can be done while playing when she is on her back, on her side or in her chair (on her backside).

Maisie will also spend a short time each day learning how to sit in her high chair. Again Mummy and Daddy have been shown techniques to help with this - it's all to do with helping her balance and not actually making her sit up straight. One of the methods to help Maisie is to put her elbows on the table.

Daddy wasn't so sure  that this was a good idea as he'd always been told by Maisie's Gran that it was rude to have your elbows on the dinner table.

When Maisie decided she had done all the of performing for the physio that she was going to do she became her usual grumpy self  - this amazingly caused Maisie's posture to improve proving that she is capable.

Maisie had a busy day enjoying her new found skills and was ready for an early night.

"Yay, I love my bed!" 

Maisie really was a little cutie today. 

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

certificate of merit

Monday morning left Daddy amazed. Normally this is the worst time of the week for Daddy as Maisie has spent to whole weekend getting any attention that she requests and having no particular routine to talk of. Maisie's weekends consist of  lots of cuddles whenever she asks for them.

Come Monday mornings poor Maisie doesn't get that sort of attention as it's just Daddy, and she doesn't like  it and usually leads Daddy a merry dance.
Why was Daddy so amazed this particular Monday?

Maisie slept for a whole 40 minutes - Amazing

Mummy is continuing to try to wean Maisie but she's not having any of it;

"this rice needs more soya sauce Mummy!" it was decided that Maisie should try and sit with the family at the table (instead of in her rocking chair on the floor) at dinner time to let her see how others eat. She was told to watch Zach to see how not to do it and to concentrate on Meghan to see how it's done properly.

"Wow that's one big plate"

"Where's the food then Daddy?" 

Unfortunately Maisie can't actually sit in her chair without hanging on for dear life so ended back on the floor with Megan who was waiting for any crumbs that may drop from the table. 

Maisie is getting stronger and stronger and will hopefully be in her proper high chair that she got for Christmas from Grandpa and Grandma Jan within the next few weeks. This will make it a lot easier to feed Maisie and for her to play with her food. 

Maisie was out and about on Tuesday and went back to the hospital as she'd agreed to help with exams for doctors in training. It was really interesting and Maisie got examined several times by some lovely doctors. All children's doctors have to take special exams to make sure that they are kind enough and know enough to look after children. Maisie was chosen as she has an "interesting condition." 

"but Daddy,  why do I need this sticker
I thought that everybody knows who I am?" 

Maisie was a really good girl enjoying yet more attention. and left the hospital with a certificate and a wee reward to go into her piggy bank. Daddy didn't think was very fair as he'd done most of the work. 

It was a busy day, hopefully Maisie should sleep well tonight. 

Sunday, 17 February 2013

a special day out

It was a long day for Maisie who has taken to wakening at 7 am rather than 8, unfortunately for Daddy.

Maisie had a bath, got her hair done and put on some lovely clothes as she was going to have a special day out.

"Mummy! Zach just said my hair looked silly" 

Maisie and the rest of the family went to visit Aunty Eleanor, Uncle Carl, Graeme, Alan and Suzanne where they enjoyed a very fine feast - the roast beef was just what Meghan had been dreaming about.

Maisie got very tired as she didn't sleep during the day apart from about 15 minutes in the morning. Maisie enjoys the car a lot but doesn't sleep as it's all to exciting and didn't sleep at Aunty Eleanors either as there was so much going on - this lead to a very crotchety Maisie.

Maisie was also trying out some new skills today which could have tired her out. About a month ago the physio was encouraging Maisie to hit metal spoons against Daddy's dining room table but to no avail. At Aunty Eleanors her task was at last successful.

Well Done Maisie. 

Maisie did really well and occasionally held the spoon with two hands. The physio will be happy when she sees Maisie on Thursday. Daddy was also quite happy as Maisie seems to favour her left hand at the moment just like her Daddy does.

Maisie was worn out after her long day so took advantage of Aunty Eleanors cuddles.

poor Maisie was exhausted

Thank you for a lovely day Aunty. 

Saturday, 16 February 2013

lovely and relaxing

It was a lovely and relaxing day for Mummy and Maisie which consisted primarily of lying on the settee watching typically poor Saturday afternoon movies.

There were also a lot of visitor and most of them all at once; there are a lot of people in the Ward family.

Maisie enjoyed her visitors
 - you can tell this as she's not looking grumpy for a change

Maisie is continuing to feed well but is not interested in taking any solids.She doesn't seem to want any bananas, carrots or baby rice. We'll not push her as she'll take them when she's good and ready. Maisie gets more calories from taking her milk supplement which she continues to enjoy. 

Then Geraldine popped around to meet Maisie and brought a tasty cake with her - Thank you. 

Thank you also to Meghan  for baby sitting for a couple of hours while Mummy and Daddy popped out to see some friends. 

Sunday will be an exciting day - Maisie is going on a road trip to visit Aunty Eleanor and Uncle Carl for Sunday dinner. 

Thursday, 14 February 2013

no valentines

Joshua came to visit Maisie today, she was a little disappointed as he didn't bring flowers, chocolate or even a card. Poor old Maisie didn't get any Valentines. 

"I can't believe I didn't get any presents"
But she did love having visitors

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

a manicure for Maisie

Maisie was a little under the weather on Tuesday so Mummy and Meghan tried to cheer her up with a manicure; 

Maisie being spoiled as usual

Maisie was a wee bit more wheezy than usual and not so keen to take her milk - everyone's allowed an off day. Maisie was hard work and slept even less that usual during the day. 

"Daddy, are you sure they know what they're doing?"

Maisie had a good nights sleep and woke up quite refreshed and it was back to the usual morning routine of eating and playing. Maisie can get bored of playing though even if Megan doesn't; 

"if I just pretend to be asleep then Megan might take a rest too" 

Maisie enjoyed looking out the window at all the snow and was glad that she wasn't going out for a walk today with Daddy and Meghan 

Maisie had a good day! 

Monday, 11 February 2013

good progress

Maisie got weighed - she's continuing to grow well and is now 12lb 4oz or 5.57kgs. This is really good for Maisie, 3 big gains in as many weeks. The dietitian will be happy when she sees Maisie next week.

"I can't believe Daddy does this to me !"

Could that be a wee tint of titian we can see though Maisie's hair? 

"look how clever I am"

The weight gain must be helping Maisie with her development. Maisie was playing with one of her new toys that Aunty Eleanor gave to her. It seems to be a great choice of toy;

Maisie was watching the toy and then held it when it was placed into her hand which Maisie is capable of doing on a good day however Maisie then took the toy with her other hand all by herself!

This is a great step forward for Maisie and one that the physio is keen for Maisie to take.

The physio would have also been pleased to see what Maisie did next - she put it in her mouth. Let's hope that she will do these things for the physio next week!

It's really reassuring to see Maisie taking steps in the right direction. This is all good progress.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

loving all the attention

Maisie had a full day of attention; it started off with Daddy giving her breakfast so that Mummy could have a lie in. Then Daddy and Maisie had some playtime before her big sister Meghan gave her brunch so that Mummy could relax and have her breakfast.

Then Margaret and Wendy from next door paid a visit to play before Maisie decided that she could do with a quick snooze. This didn't last very long of course and then it was time for lunch - Mummy's turn to feed Maisie.

There was more playtime and a very brief rest before Aunty Eleanor and Uncle Carl popped by for afternoon tea. (Mummy made some lovely flapjack). As usual Maisie was spoiled by Aunty and Uncle, they brought Maisie a couple of wee toys to help Maisie with her playtime. They are a great size for Maisie to hold, she will really enjoy playing with them - Thank you very much.

Maisie had another short sleep as by this time she was overtired and starting to get a bit crabbit. Maisie is too interested in everything going on around her to sleep.

Maisie enjoying some playtime with her  sister

More food and then it was bedtime - Maisie had a lovely day. Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be better and Maisie will get out of the house for a walk.

It's a visit from the health visitor for Maisie on Monday where we'll find out how much weight she's put on.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

the wee mouse again....

Guess who's turned up?  That's right, the wee mouse!

And guess who hadn't lost it? That's right,  Daddy!

Maisie's favorite wee mouse has turned up;

Maisie happily sleeping now that the wee mouse  is back! 

Mummy had it all the time...................... just by the side of her bed.

Maisie had a wonderful day. She got lots of cuddles from Mummy and then went out for a walk with Mummy, Daddy and Megan along the coast where she saw some fantastic views across the forth. Then it was out for afternoon tea with some friends. She really enjoyed seeing wee Katie again.

Maisie ate very well again today. It will be interesting to see how much weight she has put on when she gets measured on Monday. Maisie is meant to have 100mls per kg and she is currently having around 110 ml/kg with Mummys milk and a few spoonfuls of sweet potato on top of that. She's hopefully starting to get the growth spurt she needs.

Maisie is still sleeping well at night but not getting any sleep to talk about during the day. Two 15 minute sessions was all that she managed today.

"I know that you've changed me Daddy
but I'm telling you now - I'm not going to go to sleep!" 

Mummy and Daddy love the fact that Maisie is sleeping all night but are worried that they are getting too used to it and that things could change any day.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

physio visited

There was good news from the hospital today - there is no urinary tract infection to worry about.

It was a lovely day in the East Neuk of Fife so Daddy took Maisie out for a walk along the coast with Megan for the first time in a while. It's been far too windy recently.

What Mummy dresses Maisie in to go out;

"really Mummy, do I have to wear this?"

This colour doesn't suit Daddy so Maisie has a different outfit; 

classy and fabulous! 

The physio visited Maisie today and said that she could see that Maisie had made progress. Maisie is now following things with her eyes, holding her focus when shown her toys which she wasn't really doing couple of weeks ago. 

Mummy and Daddy need to encourage different movements from Maisie when they play with her. Maisie needs to learn to reach out to take the toys she's looking at. She is happy to hold her toys if she happens upon them or has them placed into her hands but is not actively taking the toys to find out more about them. 

Playing with Maisie will now involve getting her to follow her toy to her hand with her eyes and then placing it into her hand so that she will learn to take things. Maisie will also benefit from help shaking the toy or putting it in her mouth. 

It is also important to regularly change Maisie's toys that she is playing with so that she can experience different textures and noises, something Mummy and Daddy weren't doing as they were using the same toys again and again just because Maisie liked them. 

Maisie was also shown some ways that she can be supported in her chair to help her sit in a better, to have a better posture and learn to use her arms. Maisie will be focusing on reaching out and using her shoulder and arms in a different way. 

Maisie is progressing well and is not causing the physio any major concerns however there is a little bit of work for Maisie to do before her next physio visit in 2 weeks. 

If Maisie takes small steps every day she'll get there one day! 

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

the wee mouse

As we know Maisie (or possibly Daddy) lost her cuddly wee mouse which was one of the toys that was a great size for Maisie and was much loved.

Unfortunately it hasn't turned up yet.

Daddy has looked around to find a replacement but to no avail. However it turns out that he wasn't the only one......

This morning a package arrived addressed to Maisie who with help ripped the package open with great excitement. Inside was a wonderful surprise - two cuddly mice and a wee lamb!

Maisie fast asleep with her new friends
(and yes Daddy knows she's wearing a Christmas outfit again!)
There had been some research done - the wee mouse that is missing only comes with the big sheep and cannot be replaced  on it's own but Maisie now has the next best thing.

Maisie now has another wee mouse the same size but attached to a blankie and also a bigger version of the wee one.

Once again Maisie has been extremely spoiled. Thank you very much to cousins Wayne, Caroline and Jenny for the presents they are very much appreciated. Daddy will try to ensure Maisie does not lose one of your presents again.

Monday, 4 February 2013

look at the difference.....

The dreaded sleep over.................Daddy does not enjoy the sleep over. It is lovely being back on Maisie's old ward and seeing all the nurses that looked after Maisie but there is not a lot of sleeping to be done by Daddy.

Maisie's oxygen saturation was quite good at 92/93% when she was sleeping on her current flow of 0.3 litres. As Maisie seemed quite comfortable the nurses tried Maisie on a flow of 0.2l. Maisie coped quite well for an  hour or so before her oxygen saturation dropped a little - just to around 90% but the consultants require it to be 92% or above.

Maisie's oxygen was put back up to 0.3l and it takes a wee while to bring the level back above 92%. Maisie then settled with good levels up to 94% and so the nurses tried to turn the oxygen down again. Once more after about an hour and a half Maisie started to struggle a bit so the oxygen got turned back up to 0.3 litres.

Anything below 92% sets off the alarm on the monitor and it's this noise that Daddy will forever have nightmares about. Every move Maisie makes causes her sats to drop and when she's right on the limit the alarm seems to continually sound.  Maisie doesn't seem to happy with the noise either and was awake extremely early this morning.

Maisie's oxygen level will continue to be 0.3 litres for the moment. It's great that it's not got worse.

When Maisie was at the clinic the other week they requested that Maisie should have another urine sample to ensure that the urinary tract infection she had before Christmas had cleared up (Daddy wasn't so sure it had). Daddy and Mummy have not successfully collected a sample since so Daddy enlisted the help of the nurses - a sample was collected and the results should be ready for Wednesday.

Maisie only just fits in the cot on the ward, look at the difference;

Maisie in her cot in August


in the same cot Sunday night,  six months later
(it's the same owl too) 

There will be another dreaded sleep over in four weeks time.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

what a lovely Sunday afternoon

Maisie: " So you're Mrs Brown"

It was a lovely Sunday afternoon  so Mummy decided to take Maisie out for some fresh air. As they were passing Maisie decide that she would pay Win a visit as although Maisie had heard so much about Win they hadn't actually met yet due to many various reasons. How wonderful to eventually meet.

Then it was back home to watch more rugby  - Maisie needed to see how Italy were playing as they will be playing Scotland next week and it would be nice to see them win a game.

Italy amazingly beat France which was a great result but doesn't give a lot of hope for next week. Aunty Manu will be very happy with the final score.

Uncle Douglas and Aunty Margaret came for a visit but Maisie was a wee bit rude and spent most of the visit watching the rugby.

Maisie ignoring Uncle like others sometimes do

It was an exciting end to the game which tired Maisie out so she took a well deserved nap. 

Now Maisie is interested in her comfy Uncle

Maisie and Daddy are back at the hospital for a sleep over to monitor Maisie's oxygen  requirements. Let's pray for Daddy's sake that there will more sleep than at the last sleep over. 

Friday, 1 February 2013

it's Daddy that needs sleep

Giving Maisie solid food is really increasing her appetite but this unfortunately is not very good for Daddy's sleep.

Daddy usually stays up to let Mummy get some sleep as she has to go to work and then he wakes Maisie for a wee feed about midnight which see's her right through til morning. Daddy finds it is better to stay awake as if he has a snooze before the last feed then he can't get back to sleep.

Only now that Maisie is growing she's feeding for longer and not only that but she's waking much earlier for her breakfast - Not so good for Daddy as he's getting less sleep but it is good for Maisie that she want's to eat more.

The orange food theme continues but is not going as Daddy  planned - thoughts were that it would bring out the ginger in Maisie. Daddy will continue to feed orange food to Maisie until he comes up with a new strategy.

Maisie was loving her hooded cardie until
she saw Ruby on Corrie wearing the exact same top!